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Wednesday, October 20, 2004

Far away but still so close...

There are days in life that a person feels a little down and needs a friend. This can create some problems if all friends are far away, spread out all over the world! But then, MSN comes in pretty handy. So last coulpe of days, when I was feeling a little less happy, I was lucky enough to find my good old Bocas-friend Tavis being all addicted to the internet, looking for 45-year old ladiez to date. Even when he was so extremely busy, he could find the time to pass on some sweet words to chear me up... Tavis, muchas gracias... Quiero que tu vuelvas a bocas porque sintigo Bocas no es igual!! Hace falta mi amigo, pero que suerte que exciste MSN!!! Yahoo...

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Nou Jen, van tus palabras en espanol werd ik gewoon ontroerd(ook al was het voor iemand die ik niet eens ken, haha). Lief man!
Ps doet je telefoon het alweer???

Luego amiga!